About Us

The founder has worked with youth and youth programs for over 15 years. Invest N Youth is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the success of youth. Through investments of our time, talent and treasure, we will assist youth in achieving success in school, their communities and in life.

If the youth, are our future and we do not take the time to invest in them, what type of future should we expect? Many of today’s households and school systems need support. Invest N Youth has created programs that address youths' spiritual, physical, social and educational success. Our practice is to inspire youth to invest in themselves and in others. Service, education, health, vision, passion, discipline and a spiritual connection are a few of the ingredients needed to unlock minds and increase creativity for an extraordinary life.

Service has the ability to stimulate compassion and awareness, which increases creativity.Education and training will open doors to opportunities that can increase one's mental, spiritual and financial growth. A healthy body  facilitates involvement in activities, that increase experiences and relationships. A vision can mentally take one on transforming journey. Passion fuels vision; it keeps one believing in the result of the journey and excited about even the smallest measure of progress.

Discipline helps one plan and stay focused on the day to day or week to week, tedious activities to advance one's plan and progress. Spiritual connection gives one an infusion of God’s miraculous power and peace; when the struggles of the day seem insurmountable, when your discipline weakens and your vision dims, in faith, God will infuse you with power to endure and a peace that surpasses all carnal understanding. This infusion fortifies your resolve, strengthens your vision and keeps you pressing towards the goal.

As we cover topics that are relevant to each youth’s immediate development, your support will change a life and help us expand our passion; to invest in youth.