


Who's The Man LCD Reflections

The lecture on the Bible provided a great review of some ideas I was familiar with and he gave some good information that added on to info I already knew.  I knew that all life started in Africa. After all, one of the first places that are mentioned in Genesis is Egypt. Therefore, I knew that there were black people in the Bible.  But something I can take from the speaker was that African Americans need to do better. When we are killing each other over and over again, it’s like you are killing your brother and sister.  We started off on top, and that's why people are trying to make us believe that we’re not better than them. We need to stop being brainwashed by teachers and cops. In conclusion, the information given to me was helpful.

By: YW Ethan


Choices! Choices! Choices! Reflections

This past Sunday we discussed making good choices and what goes into making good choices. We discussed that whether right or wrong everybody has bias and that we should act knowing that our actions aren’t in a vacuum but that they impact those who are around us. We discussed the things that we hold most important and what we value most and why. I thought it was a great discussion and I wish we had more time to ask questions and talk about such an important topic. The choices we make while we’re young whether good or bad will affect us for the rest of our lives. I’m really glad that this topic was brought up because it made the Young Warriors really look at and assess what they hold dear and some of their thought process when making decisions. It also was an excellent reminder for the mentors and the older people of what we hold dear and reminded of us of some of the important factors that go into making good decisions.


By: Mentor RYAN


Who’s The Man Reflection

What I learned about self-awareness was how to present myself as a man, which meant not just stating my name, but how I should see myself the way God created me to be, because I am more than just a name. I also learned the difference between a dream and a vision. A dream is a temporary desire. It is something someone would like to have but does not want to work towards it. A vision is a goal. It is something you want to fully achieve, no matter the hardships and obstacles along the way.

By: Young Warrior LANGSTON


Who's The Man LCD Training

We had a great time this past Sunday at the “Who’s The Man” LCD training session! Dr. Emory Tolbert educated mentors and mentees on African and Latino American roots and “The Good, Bad and Ugly truths” of American history often not taught in school today.

We were introduced to current and past renowned activist, political leaders, inventors and revolutionaries of African American, African and Hispanic descent. We discussed slavery and how traditionally schools paint the picture that slaves enjoyed slavery and had a choice. When in fact there were many slave revolts and uprisings that often times are not recorded in our American history books.

The young men learned of a time when black people were not allowed to make eye contact with white people, and thus, the importance of eye contact and a firm handshake when meeting and interacting with others, was stressed from a historical perspective. Overall, we were informed of our real history, where we started from as African Americans and how far we’ve come.

Towards the end of the session the young men were asked one by one, “Who are you?”. Many answered this thought encouraging question with their name and skin complexion. As we progress in this program it is my prayer that these young men, by God’s grace, come to find their identity rooted in Jesus Christ; His Spirit, His righteousness and His love. 

By: Mentor DEAN 

Young Warrior Speaks on the LCD Sesson
As a new member of Young Warriors, I felt welcomed, both by my peers and my teachers, despite my lack of experience. Right off the bat, I felt like I had been a member for a longer period of time than I really was. In terms of the lesson(s), our speakers were very interactive and interesting, getting many of us to ask our own questions and/or answer their's. Before coming to the meeting, I was expecting something kind of boring, like a lecture of sorts. However, I was wrong; the meeting, despite not being "fun", was rather interesting and held my attention. Learning about how to be aware of my goals in order to be successful is really going to help me in the future days to come.
YW D'Vaughn
Today was my son's and my first time horseback riding. The closest we both have ever come to something like that has been through videogames such as The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. We were both very pleased to have the experience and blessed to share it together with the young gentlemen and mentors. I believe this has taught my son that experiencing something like this first hand is exponentially better than playing videogames. 
Thanks again Tim,


YW first meeting 8-27-17

After attending the first Young Warriors (YW) meeting I quickly realized the importance of this mentoring mission. I truly believe that this program is needed across our communities to assist in elevating and uplifting today's young men and tomorrow's leaders. The program lays a foundation for young men to build on and follow throughout their lives. 

It promotes self-confidence, gives guidelines in achieving goals and how to manage the challenges of life, while keeping God first. 
As I sat and listened, I couldn't help but see myself, when I was in that age group, in many of the young warriors. All of whom are intelligent and ambitious, with one or two just needing a little push and support. I believe this program offers that. 

There is a desperate need for programs such as this to be established not only in our churches and in our schools, but to become ingrained in the culture of growth…



These sessions serve to instruct our young men, that true manhood can only be gained by positive thinking, building strong and healthy relationships, maintaining decorum of respect for self and others, rising above negative situations and achieving success through dedication to the family, community and God…….



One tool my son learned from the program is the importance of a firm handshake.  Since learning the proper way to give a handshake, he is very conscious to look a person in the eye and present a firm handshak

The "Young Warriors for Christ" is a program I would unhesitatingly encourage all eligible young men to join. I extend my sincere thanks and gratitude to the dedicated mentors who unflinchingly extended their hearts and services to my son and the other mentees.

 Sincerely yours, Carol


…As for myself it has began to help me realize that I can began to let go and hold both boys more responsible for themselves as I raise them, which is not always an easy task by myself. Talk about a powerful program. There dad even commented this program should be shared with the community.

This is awesome

Words can't express my gratitude.  Glenda


The programs was challenging and the sessions were lengthy and in depth-- and rightfully so on all accounts.  These boys needed this boot camp.  Simple things like how to greet an adult were drilled into them.  They were exposed to a variety of ideas, and not just at a surface and superficial level. 

 Our family friends who have known my son and did not know that he was in the program have come up to us on multiple occasions and remarked at how much my son changed the year that he was in the Young Warriors program.  He certainly went through a transformation for the better, standing straighter and carrying himself like he knew he was someone, like he was a true Warrior……



In addition look at the many good friendships that may develop between mentors and mentees. The YWCMP is making a significant difference in our young men and can hold extreme value to the youth in the community.  What an awesome opportunity that should not be missed….



The classes that the program offers are also educational.  My son learned about entrepreneurship, real estate, budgeting and a host of others skills needed in life.
